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Chinese translation for "eel grass"


Related Translations:
eel:  n.1.鳝鱼;鳝类;(醋中所生的)小线虫。2.〔美俚〕精明油滑的人。
eel buck:  [pot] 捕鳝笼。
eel worm:  n.【动物;动物学】小线虫,鳗蛔虫;线虫类 (Nematode) 动物〔一种植物寄生虫〕。
eel spear:  n.捕魑叉。
electric eel:  【动物;动物学】电鳗。
vinegar eel:  [worm] 【动物;动物学】醋线虫。
mud eel:  【动物;动物学】鳗螈。
sand eel:  【鱼类】玉筋鱼。
congo eel:  [snake] 【动物;动物学】蛇状两栖鲵。
barnyard grass:  [millet] 稗。
Example Sentences:
1.Meanwhile , lai chi wo is the site with best covers of marine eel grass in hong kong . the flowering period range from march to july
2.Seagrass is a marine flowering plant that grows on sandy and muddy substrate . one species of seagrass known as japanese eel grass ( zostera japonica ) is mainly distributed on the northeastern coast of hong kong , mostly found within yan chau tong marine parks
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